
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Prior to the birth of her daughter, Jo was practising as a behavioural therapist, specialising in children with autism and complex learning and behavioural difficulties.
When her daughter became ill at just 19 months old, life would never quite be the same again. She was diagnosed with her first autoimmune disease which developed into multiple autoimmune diseases and required a four-year chemotherapy regime to suppress her immune system at just 3 years old.
Jo began digging deep into her daughter's condition, leaving no stone unturned. She pursued nutritional therapy, training in Functional Medicine with the Institute for Functional Medicine and completed training to become a fellow in integrative cancer therapy.
In this episode, we discuss how functional medicine can best support cancer patients and the uses of nutrition at any stage of cancer.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
#28 Richard Jacobs - Simple ways to help get a better night's sleep
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Sleep problems are something that everyone experiences every once in a while, but not everyone knows how to best tackle these issues, especially if they are ongoing. Richard Jacobs is an entrepreneur and serial podcaster and has interviewed thousands of individuals on medicine, AI, the microbiome and sleep! In this conversation we discuss some of the causes of poor sleep and practical ways that can help you can get a better night's sleep.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Dr Christie Lewis is an NHS GP, physiotherapist and a private Health and Life Coach, specialising in stress, anxiety and burnout. Perfect to speak to when most of us are stuck in lockdown!
Christie also hosts retreats and workshops and is part of the group - Your Lifestyle Doctors, who have a broad and unique set of expertise, focusing on the prevention of illness and lifestyle factors to improve and optimise health.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Angela Walker MSc is a registered nutritional therapist with 12 years of clinical
experience. She holds an MSc in Nutritional Medicine from the University of Surrey and has trained with the Institute of Functional Medicine. She has lectured and mentored at under and postgraduate level and developed practitioner programmes on the clinical application of functional laboratory testing.
She is also a performance coach for TIGNUM and works with leaders and executives
helping them optimise and sustain cognitive function for peak performances. Her experience brings a unique perspective and her focus is now to develop and showcase new models and best practices for clinicians in personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine. She is the editor and creator of Case Studies in Personalised Nutrition, published in January 2020 and now on the recommended reading list for a number of training providers in the UK and US. She has recently launched her first online programme to future proof the brain “Food for Thought”.
Case studies in personalised nutrition

Monday Apr 06, 2020
#25 Suzy Glaskie - How to break bad habits and form healthy new ones
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Suzy is an experienced functional medicine health coach, host of the Wellness Unwrapped Podcast and is interested in the far-reaching effects of how our emotions affect our wellbeing. We speak about the best ways to change our damaging behaviours and how to form new healthy ones.
Breaking habits can be a real challenge. Hopefully, this information makes it easier.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
In light of the all the recent news on COVID19, I thought it would be fitting to speak with Dr Rob Verkerk from the Alliance for Natural Health International, who is keeping up to date with the recent evidence on the new coronavirus.
It is a scary and uncertain time for many people. I hope this podcast shines some light on the recent evidence and answers some questions around the new coronavirus - how we can best stay protected and well-nourished during these strange times.
NHS Guidelines
Prevent the spread – Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives
How to wash your hands
Alliance for Natural Health articles
The 6 Steps – adapt don’t fight
Empowered not paralysed
Immune resilience as nature intended
Mechanisms of how Hydroxychloroquine could be a potential treatment
Consensus paper - Shanghai
Vitamin C

Monday Mar 16, 2020
#23 Robin Daly - Integrating cancer therapies
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Robin Daly is the Chairman and founder of the Yes To Life Cancer Charity. Yes to Life empowers people with cancer to make informed decisions about their care options. For more than a decade, they have provided evidence-based information to those in need. Today we are going to speak about the big C, cancer.
Robin shares his family’s own journey with this condition and we talk about the different types of information out there, some are science-based and others are a complete waste of time.
Please always discuss any modality that you're thinking of implementing, with a trained health professional. This podcast is for informational purposes only.
Yes to Life cancer charity website
YTL Instagram
Cancer Net
World Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Options

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Kimberley Wilson is a chartered psychologist and has a philosophy of Whole Body Mental Health - a comprehensive approach to mental health care which integrates evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle factors with psychological therapy.
She has spoken at numerous event on the role that nutrition and lifestyle play on mental health. In this episode, we dive into the world of nutritional psychiatry. We talk about the role that food plays on our mental and physical wellbeing, the potential use of supplements and our gut microbiome.
All of this and much more is in her book - How to Build a Healthy Brain: Reduce stress, anxiety and depression and future-proof your brain.
Probiotics in pregnancy - paper
Supplement use and violence in prisons - paper

Friday Feb 21, 2020
#21 Professor Robert Thomas - Lifestyle and Cancer (Part 2) Q&A
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Professor Robert Thomas is a professor of sports and biological science, consultant oncologist and is a clinical tutor at the University of Cambridge. In part 2 of this conversation, we answer some questions from the listeners about the effect of lifestyle habits and nutrition on cancer.
Exercise, nutrition, fasting and supplements - there is hopefully something for everyone in here - all covered in Rob's new book "Keep Healthy after Cancer".
20 lifestyle tips for cancer

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
#20 Professor Robert Thomas - Lifestyle and Cancer (Part 1)
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Professor Robert Thomas is a professor of sports and biological science, consultant oncologist and is a clinical tutor at the University of Cambridge. In part 1 of this conversation, we speak about the broad spectrum of lifestyle interventions to help combat and prevent cancer.
Exercise, nutrition, fasting and supplements - there is hopefully something for everyone in here - all covered in Rob's new book "Keep Healthy after Cancer" and his websites, links below.
20 lifestyle tips for cancer