
Monday Jun 24, 2019
#9 Dr Rupy Aujla - Culinary Medicine and the Doctor's Kitchen
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Dr Rupy Aujla is a medical doctor, author and founder of the Doctor’s Kitchen and Culinary Medicine UK. He recently authored the book, Eat to Beat Illness. On this podcast, we talk about the importance of food in medicine and how improving our knowledge of food, nutrition and cooking can have profound effects on our health and well-being.
"Culinary Medicine is a unique combination of nutrition and culinary knowledge to assist doctors learn the foundations of clinical nutrition as well as how best to motivate their patients to lead healthier lives using food" Culinary Medicine UK
Rupy's Books

Monday Mar 25, 2019
#8 Dr Rob Verkerk - How to make healthcare sustainable
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Dr Rob Verkerk has Masters and Doctorate degrees from Imperial College London and in 2002 founded the Alliance for Natural Health International. Since then, Rob has acted as its executive and scientific director, directing legal actions to protect the right to natural health, whilst authoring some 60 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
I first met Rob at the Yes to Life Cancer Conference in London and I was intrigued by his perspective and thoughts on sustainable healthcare.
We talk about how different macronutrients can affect health, the role of fat in the diet and a blueprint for a sustainable healthcare system.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
#7 Dr Laura Quinton - Nutrition in medicine
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Dr Quinton is a classically trained GP and has had further education in naturopathic nutrition from the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Specialising in hormonal health, menopause and gut health, her approach combines both traditional and lifestyle medicine, with the ultimate aim to help patients feel the best that they can.
A medical doctor with these qualifications is extremely rare and I was so pleased that we could meet up for a recording at her Harley Street clinic in London.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
#6 Dr Deanna Minich - How colour affects our health
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Dr Minich is an internationally-recognized teacher, author, scientist, speaker, and artist. She has authored six books on health and wellness and is current faculty for the Institute for Functional Medicine and the University of Western States. She has an innovative approach to health and wellness, bridging the gaps between science, spirituality, and art in medicine.
Deanna is an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes to nutrition, functional and lifestyle medicine . It was an absolute pleasure to speak to her about her unique perspective on how colour affects our health…. and it’s not just the colour of our foods that we talk about…

Monday Mar 04, 2019
#5 Angelique Panagos - How to optimize your hormonal health
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Angelique is a nutritional therapist, author and a specialist in the field of Women’s hormonal health. Using her six pillars of health, she aids her patients in restoring natural balance, achieve optimal vitality and wellbeing.
We talk about how to move, eat, nourish ourselves and much more.

Monday Feb 25, 2019
#4 Josh Zappacosta - The importance of integrating health practices
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Josh is the Co-founder of the Integrative Wellness Centre, Irrefutable Health and the health restaurant called The Willow, in Kingston Upon Thames, London. Irrefutable Health provides holistic healthcare services. In addition to relief care for injury, their practitioners look at how to strengthen the body, building physical, mental and social well-being with tailored interventions, health education and lifestyle support.
We talk about the importance of integrating health practices, how food fits into a healthy lifestyle and a personalised approach to healthcare.

Thursday Feb 21, 2019
#3 Rick Miller RD - Functional sports nutrition for health and performance
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Rick is a clinical and sports dietitian and his approach to dietetic treatment embraces integrative and functional medicine. He is a dedicated clinician, inspirational speaker and runs a very successful clinical practice on Harley Street in London.
We talk about how nutrition can affect sports performance, the role of good gut health in athletes and the integration of health practices.

Monday Feb 18, 2019
#2 Ben Brown - Does IBS even exist?
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Ben Brown is a Naturopath from Australia. He is the editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, contributing editor of the Integrative Healthcare and Applied Nutrition magazine, director of clinical education for Pure Encapsulations (UK), and is on the advisory board of the British College of Nutrition and Health, where he is also a lecturer.
We talk about all things gut health, nutrition and IBS.

Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Dr Tom O'Bryan explains how the food we eat affects our health.
Dr Tom is an internationally recognised speaker, workshop leader, and functional medicine practitioner. He also holds teaching positions in the faculty at the Institute for Functional medicine and the National University of Health Sciences.

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Series 1 Podcast Trailer
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
I am introducing some of the leading voices in nutrition and lifestyle medicine, from practitioners to professors and everyone in between. I will share with you their stories, expertise and advice.
The aim is to provide you with simple tips to help improve your health.