
Monday Feb 22, 2021
#39 Dr Elisabeth Philipps - Using CBD for health and combatting disease
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Dr Elisabeth Philipps is a neuropharmacologist and Functional Medicine practitioner with over 18 years of experience. Elisabeth has extensive academic experience with training in Biomedical science from Kings College London, a PhD in neuropharmacology from The University of Oxford, a further bachelors in Nutritional Medicine and further functional medicine qualifications.
Elisabeth specialises in the endocannabinoid system - a system that can affect every organ and pathway in the body ranging from the brain to the digestive system - and is influenced by the popular and readily available supplement, CBD (cannabidiol).
She is an absolute joy to speak to and we dive into a number of topics in this exciting conversation:
The endocannabinoid system
How does CBD work
What conditions can CBD be used for
Medicines that use CBD and THC
Dosing of CBD
What foods affect the endocannabinoid system
What to look for in CBD supplements
You can find Elisabeth at:

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Dr Nyjon Eccles is a well respected integrative medicine physician in the UK. He holds two doctorates in both medicine and pharmacology and has been pioneering, innovative and natural healthcare over the last decade.
Nyjon runs a cancer support clinic and utilises a non-invasive ThermoCheck® breast thermography scanning which helps to identify breast cancer risk. This technique uses no radiation and is scientifically proven but it is not currently on the NHS.
Nyjon believes the availability of scanning tool which can detect risk many years before symptoms present themselves offers an unprecedented opportunity to reduce the ongoing rise in breast cancer occurrence because it allows the possibility of reversing risk through correct attention to lifestyle and key nutritional supplementation.
The Natural Doctor website
The risks associated with mammograms

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
A deep dive into the potential natural solutions for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, one of the UK’s leading nutritionists specialising in women’s health.
PCOS is a common condition that affects how a woman's ovaries work. Although it is always advisable to seek the advice of a medical doctor and GP, for diagnostic tests, there are many natural interventions available that can help to manage symptoms and control the condition.
In this episode, we outline how lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation can play a crucial role.

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Introducing Dr Saul Konviser BDS MSc BSc! Saul is a lead general dentist at the Montagu Dental practice - we discuss dental health, how to it can affect your overall health and some practical tips on how to improve and maintain good oral health. We put a spotlight on sugar, jaw clenching, drinks, food and even the mental health effects of poor dental health plus much more.
In additional to Saul's interest in functional dentistry, he has developed a special interest in the area of sports dentistry given his passion for sport himself. This allows him to work closely with both professional and amateur sportspeople, helping them understand the importance of oral health on their sporting performance and general health.
Something which has interested me for a long time is the link between dental health and chronic diseases. Therefore, the benefits of looking after your teeth and your oral health may not only be localised to your mouth but your entire body.

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Welcoming the Mac Twins! The two DJs, Lisa and Alana Mac, are the founders of The Gut Stuff, helping to bring cutting-edge scientific information regarding gut health to the masses. We discuss practical tips for good gut health and how to optimise wellbeing whilst living a modern-day hectic lifestyle.
We touch upon the importance of the microbiome, what changes bacterial diversity, the tell-tale signs that your gut health isn't optimal and much much more.
These two are absolute powerhouses - full of energy and charisma.
#gut #guthealth #microbiome #microbiota #lifestyle #lifestylemedicine

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Did you know:
- Sex more than 4 times a week lowers prostate cancer risk
- 3 cups of coffee a day lowers bowel cancer risk
- Celery and beetroot can lower blood pressure
- The natural chemicals in fruit and veg which help fight dementia and heart disease are called polyphenols
- Low vitamin D increases the risks from Covid-19
- Mushrooms are good for gut health as they help feed healthy bacteria
- House plants decrease stress and increase oxygen levels
- Peanuts and chickpeas can reduce cholesterol levels
This podcast with Professor Robert Thomas focuses on his comprehensive lifestyle guide - How To Live.
In How to Live, Professor Robert Thomas, one of Britain’s leading oncologists and an expert in integrating nutritional and lifestyle strategies into cancer treatment, gives us effective, scientifically proven advice about everything from diet and exercise to sleep and skincare.
Rob demystifies cancer and other chronic diseases by explaining how they develop in our bodies, what we can do to mitigate against damage, and how simple changes to our diet and routine can prevent our biggest killers, from heart disease to diabetes.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Richie is an awesome individual who has made his whole life about breathwork, showing how just using your breath can help change how you perform physically, mentally and emotionally. He has travelled around the world learning different forms of breathwork and speaks about them in a way which is extremely digestible and convincing.
If you are new to breathwork, Richie breaks it down so you can apply it in your life, almost immediately.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
This week we have TWO special guests - Professor Robert Thomas has come back on the podcast with Kristina Kis to talk about the relationship between exercise and cancer.
We talk about the profound benefits of exercise for the prevention of cancer and how it can help support individuals pre, during and post-treatment - even helping to reduce the risk of reoccurrence!
Best Seller - How To Live
20 lifestyle tips for cancer
Exercise-induced biochemical changes and their potential influence on cancer: a scientific review

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Seb Tucknott is an IBD patient, founder of IBD Relief and is author of the book Tipping the Balance. I first met him at a culinary medicine event in London and I was amazed by his story.
In this episode, we talk about his personal battle with IBD and how he turned his life around.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr Rosy Daniel trained as a General Practitioner in Bristol. The illness of a close friend that was strongly influenced by the friend’s emotional state led to her interest in the mind-body connection. In 1985 she joined the Bristol Cancer Help Centre where she studied complementary medicine and psychological and self-help approaches. Moved by the phenomenal self-healing journeys she witnessed at Bristol, she was inspired to write her first book Loving Medicine.
In this episode, we talk about the emotional elements that are so often neglected in our everyday lives, how stress can negatively impact healing from disease and the science behind the mind-body connection.
Mind-set matters: Exercise and the placebo effect.
Leslie Walker – research group
The British Wheel of Yoga
Charity – Health and Wellbeing Trust